Users represent the list of people displayed in the tool, as well as the people who can connect to the tool to view the schedule.
You can create as many users as you want, each will have specific rights.
A task is always linked to a project and a user. Before creating a task, make sure that the corresponding user is already created.
My profile
Each user can edit his profile by clicking on his name at the top right of the menu bar. This interface allows him to modify his email, his password, the activation of the notifications by email, as well as his preferences of display of the planning. Other information can only be changed by people with user rights.
Admin account
The user “admin” existing by default in the tool is not mandatory: this account is not the only one that can have all rights, you can safely remove it and create as many users with all rights that you wish. This avoids having a single account that can perform all operations.
List of users
The list of users includes all the people registered in the tool. This interface allows you to create / modify / delete a user, and view basic information of each user account.
You can sort this list by clicking on the names of the columns, and filter the list by team or by search engine.
Important : Deleting a user will delete all the tasks for that user.
The main information of a user
The identifier is a string of characters that is unique for each user. This identifier is the one that is displayed in the schedule. The goal is to define an identifier that easily represents the person concerned (initials, employee number, etc.). This identifier can not be changed later.
The field “name” is the only other required field for creating a user, this name will be displayed in the full summary under the schedule.
The “email” field is optional and will only be used if you enable email notifications (see below).
The “login” and “password” are also optional, and will only be needed if you want to give access to the schedule to the user concerned. Each login is unique. Please also enter passwords that are sufficiently complex (8 characters, with several breaks).
You can attach a user to one and only one team. This will then define rights related to the team to which it belongs. See help on teams to manage the list of teams. See the Team Management module
Definition of rights
User Management : gives the right to all possible actions on user accounts. There is no intermediate right to partially modify the accounts. See the module project management.
Project Management : gives the right to all the possible actions on the project file. it does not give any rights over the tasks associated with these projects. There is no intermediate right to partially modify projects. See the module project management.
Project Group Management : Manage project groups to which projects can be attached. See the project group management module.
Schedule Modification : This right determines what the user can modify in the schedule, it is not necessarily the set of tasks he sees (see right below). read only access does not allow any modification. The option Only for projects owned by it allows it to modify only these projects if it has been defined as owner in a project’s form (see project management). The Tasks to which it is assigned or its own projects option allows it to modify the tasks where it owns the project and the tasks assigned to it on other projects. Finally the option for all projects allows him to modify all the tasks of the projects he can see.
Planning view : the all projects option allows the user to see all the projects present in the tool (unless he has voluntarily applied a schedule filter). The Only Team Projects option allows you to view only projects that are covered by at least one person on the same team as this user. You can not define a specific list of projects for this right, just add at least one task on a new project so that everyone on the same team can access this project. The Only projects owned or assigned option allows you to see all the tasks of the projects owned by the user, as well as the tasks on which it is assigned. The Only Tasks assigned to it option allows you to restrict the display to its own tasks only.
Location Management : gives the right to all the possible actions on the list of available places. This right only applies if this optional module is enabled in the SOPlanning settings. See the site management module.
Resource Management entitles you to all possible actions on the list of available resources / materials. This right only applies if this optional module is enabled in the SOPlanning settings. See the module resource management.
Parameter Management : gives access to the modification of all SOPlanning parameters.
Statistical Access : provides access to the different statistical modules available. The statistics are global and are not limited to the schedule view rights defined for the user.
Customization and Notifications
You can make the user visible or not in the schedule. This will not prevent him from being able to connect and consult the schedule, but it will be impossible to assign tasks to him.
You can also determine if this user will receive email notifications . An email will be sent to him for any created task that will be assigned to him, or for any modification or deletion of a task assigned to him.
you can finally set the color of the user. This color serves as a visual cue in the planning (in person view). If you distribute the colors among your different users, you will have an overview at a glance of the schedule of each without having to fly over each task to see the detail.
Personal info
These fields are optional and allow you to add additional information about each user. This information is not visible in the schedule and is only accessible to people with user management rights.